What are the Rules of Engagement? Eating Healthy Guidelines

Eating Healthy Guidelines

I don’t know about you but I do better when I have eating healthy guidelines. I may not always stay within these but I know them. I have no excuse! Here are some of mine to help you draw your line in the sand.

I bet you have not heard that one before in the health community. I mean that – but don’t get too excited. Healthy eating guidelines mean you must eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods. Have you heard it said that too much of a good thing is bad? Well it’s true. Our bodies need over 40 different nutrients for good health and it takes many different kinds of food to equal that. Each day you should be eating a balanced healthy diet. This should consist of whole grains, fruits, veggies, dairy, and, most importantly, lean proteins such as meat, poultry and fish.

But you can’t just graze till your tummy’s content! Eating healthy guidelines is about portions as well. We’ll talk more about that in #4. There are a couple of different formulas which you can find under my fitness tab to help you figure out how much of these nutrients and calories you should be consuming.

I know you have heard this one before, probably more times than you would have liked. Let me add to this fruit. There have been many studies that show we do not eat enough of these foods. The best way is to eat produce that is in season. It will not only be the freshest but it will be more cost efficient as well. Take a look at some of the links I have on this Eating Healthy Guidelines page for healthy simple ways to cook yummy veggies. I have never been a huge “green” eater but over the years I have found ways to enjoy them without loading them up with butter or cheese. There are some veggies like broccoli and cauliflower that I actually prefer in the raw state. I will eat them cooked but I find them yummier when they are crisp and raw and this still fits into my eating healthy guidelines.

Steamed VeggiesTry'em GrilledSassy And SauteedRaw Works

It is important and a great starting point to know what a healthy weight is for you. How tall are you? Are you male or female? What is your age? There are guidelines on my fitness tab to help you with this as well. Still unsure? I also do consulting if you still need additional help figuring this out and implementing a plan. What you need to realize is that eating healthy guidelines is not just about losing weight to look better in your clothes. It is also about feeling good. Excess body fat from a poor diet contributes to many health problems such as high blood pressure and diabetes to name two. But being too thin can increase your risk for osteoporosis, menstrual irregularities and other health problems. If you’re constantly losing and regaining weight, let me help you develop a plan that consists of sensible eating habits for successful weight management for the long term. We will tweak your eating healthy guidelines together. Regular exercise is also important to maintaining a healthy weight.

Eating healthy portions is important as well. This “rule to live by” or as I prefer to say “lifestyle” fuels what our body needs for energy all day. When you skip meals, your body still looks for fuel. If you don’t provide it, it takes it from your lean muscle that you have worked so hard to build. This is known as catabolism. And you want to keep that lean muscle because it burns 50 to 100 calories a pound per day. Your fat only burns 3-7 calories per pound per day. This is why understanding your eating healthy guidelines are important. It could help you reduce the amount of time you spend in the gym! Your goal should be to eat 5 to 6 small meals a day! If you find this difficult supplement with protein shakes or bars.

I love food! I like to eat for pleasure as much as to fuel my body. If your favorite foods are high in fat, salt or sugar, the key is learning a healthier way to prepare these favorites. Eating healthy guidelines is about making the best choices. If there simply is no good alternative and it just completely changes the flavor, your better option is to consider it a reward at the end of the week after you have worked out hard and eaten a clean diet all week. You can also share your favorite. Many times I have gone out to dinner and ordered a grilled chicken salad with my dressing on the side and a basket of fries to share. By sharing, I don’t eat the whole thing and I get to eat my favorite cheat!

Eating Healthy Guidelines

Remember that part of your eating healthy guidelines is about balance. You should be getting most if not all of your nutrients from food. Do not eat too much of one thing. Variety is the key.

Knowledge is power. If you can identify the weakest link in your eating healthy guidelines then you can focus on the change that needs to take place. You have to first identify what is wrong with your eating habits before you can correct them. Keep a journal of what you eat in a week and compare your list with my recommendations. Does it match? Tweak as needed. Ask yourself these healthy eating questions often to make sure you are still on track. Do you add too many condiments and extras? Are your portion sizes accurate? Are you getting enough fruits and vegetables? If not, you may be shorting your body of vital nutrients. Try to keep the eating healthy guidelines in your mind when choosing meals.

Don’t expect to get it right and perfect overnight. You will only get overwhelmed, frustrated and end up quitting! Take the time to learn about alternate choices and food preferences. I have already given you an example of this with the broccoli. If I had quit after trying it cooked, I would not be benefiting from all the antioxidants these vegetables have to offer. Experiment! Remember, it is about a lifestyle change! Use these eating healthy guidelines to help you on the journey to not only better choices but the best choices!

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